Here are some pictures from October, old but new to the blog. :) Some are of Jack on his first school field trip, to the pumpkin patch; and the others are of Jack riding Peaches.

Jack and Evan in the wagon, on our way to the petting farm. Jack and Evan became good friends last year in class.

The safari train

Jack riding Peaches. Jack looks forward to every Friday because he gets to ride Peaches. If you ask him, "What are you going to do on Friday?" He'll exclaim, "Ride Peaches!"

Look at that smile! Helping him are Boomer (to the left), Rachel (in the back), and his physical therapist, Georgia (on the right and holding his leg). These three are amazing!! Everyone at Healing Reins is...We are so blessed that Jack has this opportunity.

Getting my exercise at the Pumpkin Patch.

Jack, standing on his own, checking out the Llama. This was definitely his favorite animal to see.

Julia and Jack at snack time. They have become good friends; both do Family Zumba with me on Fridays.

Jack LOVED the school bus...what a big boy he is!

Pumpkin Patch

Jack and Caleb in the Panda car, ready to go on their safari.

Jack and Caleb. Jack and Caleb became good friends last year in class.

Jack checking out the chickens.

Way to go, Jack!

Caleb, Jack, and me. I got to go on the safari too. :)
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